Sunday 4 September 2016

Pirate Treasure Box

In the local charity shop, which goes from clothes to furniture with all stops in between, there was a wooden box going cheap as it has broken bits on and in it.

Once it was polished and a few repairs done inside to stop the tray within tipping up and a couple of pieces of cloth to cover a hole or two, it became very treasure box-y.

So I filled it with lots of stuff from around the house that had been waiting for just such an opportunity to nestle in a box rather than gather dust on a shelf or be forgotten in the broken chain and jewellery drawer.

The Pirates of the Caribbean necklace in the top corner was a present from Disneyland Paris years a ago but suits its new home. 
The pirate coins shining out in the centre were from Cornwall where local craftsmen make replica coins from moulds of genuine 18th century pirate coins recovered.

Altogether, it felt rather like making something for a film set, and the ink stains on the wood just added to the effect.

And of course Prisma enjoyed it.

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